COVID-19 updates

COVID-19 updates

We understand many in the Monash community will be concerned about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). We're committed to adapting our teaching and learning, campus experiences and operations to ensure the health and safety of our community. We will keep the Monash community informed as the situation continues to evolve.

Last updated 20 Apr 2023 11:30am

End of COVID-19 pre-departure testing for travellers from China, Hong Kong or Macau

  • Australia’s pre-departure COVID-19 testing requirements for passengers arriving from the People’s Republic of China, including the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, will cease applying to flights that land in Australia at 12.01am on 11 March 2023.
  • Read the Department of Health and Aged Care media release for more information.

Before you come to campus

Click here for the latest requirements you need to know before you visit our campuses or locations.

View our COVID Safe Plan

Your health, safety and wellbeing

  • It is the University’s expectation that only those who are well and not presenting with COVID-19 symptoms attend a Monash campus or location.
  • Monash’s COVID Safe Plan details the strategies in place to protect our staff, students and visitors as we return to campus. If you have any ongoing feedback, please email
  • It is the combination of these strategies, and their application to the diverse range of spaces and activities the University undertakes, that ensures our health, safety and wellbeing. For more information, please refer to ‘Health advice and safety measures’.
  • However mild, get tested if you have any of the following symptoms – fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell. For information about testing, visit the Department of Health's website.

Last updated 20 Apr 2023 11:30am

If you have recovered from COVID-19, you aren’t required to get tested or isolate/quarantine if you are re-exposed to a case within four weeks of ending your isolation period. During these four weeks, we recommend you get tested and isolate until symptoms resolve if you are at a high risk of severe illness.

If you test positive to COVID-19 (even if you are asymptomatic) or you have COVID-19 symptoms, it is strongly recommended that you do not return to onsite work or study for five days, and until you are no longer symptomatic. It is the University’s expectation that only those who are well and not presenting with any symptoms attend a Monash campus or location.

Staff and HDR students

  • If you are a Monash staff member or HDR student and you test positive to COVID-19 you are requested to complete this form to notify the Monash University Contact Tracing Team and your supervisor.
  • You will then receive an automatic email containing further information on the support available to you.
  • Your supervisor will also receive an automatic email to notify them you have completed the form.
  • Fixed-term and ongoing staff who have tested positive to COVID-19 who are not well enough to work can apply for various leave provisions including sick leave, special paid leave and isolation leave in accordance with the criteria detailed in the COVID-19 Staff Guidelines and Enterprise Agreement.
  • Casual and sessional staff who have tested positive to COVID-19 and are unable to work as a result of isolating are encouraged to check the relevant COVID-19 Staff Guidelines.


  • If you are a Monash student and you test positive to COVID-19 you are requested to complete this form to receive further information on the support available to you. You’re also encouraged to notify your chief examiner if you are well enough to study during your recommended isolation period, or to confirm if you are able to access an extension for eligible assessments.

Testing positive to COVID-19

  • As per the latest Victorian Government advice, it is strongly recommended those who have tested positive to COVID-19:
    • Isolate immediately for five days. You should only return to a Monash University campus or location after the recommended isolation period is completed and if you are not displaying symptoms.
    • Notify your contacts. Notification to all ‘social’ and ‘workplace’ contacts is the responsibility of the individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, however where multiple positive cases have attended a particular Monash event, Monash may assist with this communication (e.g an email to registrants).
    • Follow the Department of Health’s checklist for COVID cases.

COVID-19 contacts

  • If you are a COVID-19 contact, Monash strongly recommends you work or study from home if you can. You should only attend Monash’s Australian campuses and facilities provided you have no COVID-19 symptoms and feel well.
  • You may attend a Monash location, but it is the University’s expectation that you do not attend if unwell, including having any COVID-19 symptoms. It is also strongly recommended that you:
    • Wear a mask at all times.
    • Test regularly using Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT). Completion of a daily RAT prior to attending a Monash location is encouraged for the first 7 days following notification you are a COVID-19close contact.
    • Avoid sensitive settings as per the Department of Health guidelines. If you work in a sensitive setting ensure you discuss attendance with your supervisor prior to attending.
  • You should follow the relevant checklist from the Department of Health if you are a COVID-19 contact.

Information for supervisors and chief examiners

  • Should a staff member or HDR student you supervise complete the form linked above as they have tested positive to COVID-19, or are identified as a close contact of a person who has tested positive to COVID-19, you will receive notification via an automated email.
  • Cleaning of Monash locations exceeds the Department of Health requirements, and is coordinated by the Buildings and Property Division.

Further information

There are resources available for anyone who has tested positive to help manage COVID-19 at home. View more information, including a checklist to assist you, here. If you have concerns about worsening symptoms, call your GP or contact a service like Nurse on Call on 1300 606 024 for advice or the University Health Service Triage nurse on 03 9905 3175.

Last updated 20 Apr 2023 11:30am

Study arrangements

2023 delivery mode

The full Monash experience extends beyond study. In 2022 our state-of-the-art facilities reopened, over 45,000 people attended major campus events, and ground-breaking programs in innovation, discovery and research launched. In 2023, we’ll continue to deliver face-to-face learning for all students in Australia so they can experience everything our vibrant campuses have to offer. Visit coming to campus for full details.

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Fact sheet

Thought leadership

Read our latest news as well as expert commentary and research on COVID-19.
