Entry pathways for domestic students

There's more than one way to become a Monash student. If your goal is to get a degree and use it to improve yourself, your community or the lives of others, Monash is the place for you.

Most of our undergraduate domestic students enter via direct entry. If you've completed Year 12, the IB, or an equivalent qualification in Australia, and meet all the entry requirements, then you are eligible to apply.

If you don't meet the requirements for direct entry, consider these options.

Diploma of Tertiary Studies

Diploma of Tertiary Studies (DoTS) is a pathway leading to degrees in business, business administration, education and nursing. It is designed to help you become an independent learner and support you by providing you an introduction to studies in your area of interest. On successful completion of DoTS you can receive up to one year of credit towards a range of Monash courses in business, business administration, education and nursing.

Diploma of Higher Education

Diploma of Higher Education (DoHE) is a pathway to selected degrees in Education and Science. From day one, you can start studying towards your Monash degree and receive additional learning support you need to achieve your academic goals. On successful completion of this one-year, full-time course, you can get up to one year of credit towards a range of courses in Education and Science.

Monash Access Program

Monash Access Program (MAP) is an enabling program for mature-aged students who haven’t studied at university before. It will help you develop the skills you need to successfully study at university, and gives you a solid foundation to progress to a range of Monash courses. There are no tuition fees for eligible students, and we give priority to students who have experienced financial or other disadvantage.

Monash College diplomas

Monash College diplomas provide a pathway into the first or second year of a Monash degree. There are eight diplomas leading to degrees in:

  • Art, Design and Architecture
  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Applied Data Science
  • Business and Commerce
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Science

Both international and domestic students can study a Monash College diploma. Diplomas are full-fee paying and not eligible for Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP), but scholarships are available to eligible domestic students from under-represented communities.

Indigenous pathways and entry schemes

Monash University is committed to advancing the education and career aspirations of Indigenous Australians. We have a range of pathways and entry schemes to support Indigenous Australians who wish to undertake university studies at Monash.

Single units

You can apply to study single units if you don’t meet minimum academic entry requirements for the degree you want to do. Once you've completed two university units, you can apply for a large range of undergraduate courses.

TAFE qualifications

A graded Australian TAFE qualification provides an excellent pathway to many Monash courses. If you have successfully completed a certificate IV, diploma, or the first year of an advanced diploma, this may help you enter university. If you gain a place at Monash, you may be eligible for some credit towards your course for any graded TAFE studies you have completed.

Course or university transfers

Many students begin a degree course at another university or even another Monash degree course, before applying to transfer into their dream Monash course. Ask the faculty managing the course you are looking to transfer into about the average grade required, as well as any extra requirements you may need to meet.