Industry experience

Monash IT is about getting out there anddoing it. We give you hands-on, real-world IT experience, which means you’ll get to apply the skills you’re learning to a project for a professional organisation during your degree. So when it’s time to make your mark in the real world – you’ll be ready.

Knowledgeandexperience – putting it all together

As part of your studies with us, you’ll get a chance to put your IT knowledge to work by completing one of the following hands-on experiences:

  • one or two six-month industry-based learning (IBL) placements with one of our industry partners
  • a team-based industry experience studio project developing an IT system for a business client
  • a computer science project designing and building a software solution
  • a data science project analysing and interpreting real-world ‘big data’
  • a collaborative studio project designing and developing a game or multimedia creation.