How should we talk to students about AI?

As we may have educated students about the ethics of using contract cheating sites, it is important totalk to students in clear, unambiguous waysin order to educate them about the ethical and intellectual implications of using AI technologies.

Learning how to use AI technologies appropriately is rapidly becoming part of academic and career development. Many students will increasingly be expected to use AI to generate content in their professions. It is crucial that their education plays a role in developing their critical thinking and reflective skills around the evaluation of a range of sources, including AI-generated material.


To do now:To help students understand what is and is not acceptable use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools, it is crucial to clearly document and explain what is responsible use in each unit and each assessment task.


Set expectations for how generative AI will be used in your unit.

  • Identify and document what cannot be used in each assessment task in the assessment details on Moodle. It may help to explain the rationale for this position to students.
  • Refer students toLearn HQon ethical use of AI and use a forum or classroom discussion about any ‘grey areas’.
  • Provide scenarios where AI use is and is not acceptable.

Some ideas for communication in assessment tasks guidelines

Scenario Sample text
Students are given, or may create for themselves, text generated by ChatGPT. They are then asked to modify this text in relation to an assignment brief. “ChatGPT或其他人工智能工具可用于生成an initial passage of text, but you must then change this text… Please provide both the initial AI-generated text and your changes (via Tracked Changes in Microsoft Word)”
Students use AI tools in learning about their topic and preparing an assignment, but may not include any AI-generated materials in the final submission. “ChatGPT or other AI tools may be used for study purposes and to learn about your topic, but you may not include any AI-generated materials in the final submission. This includes copying and pasting text and then editing.”
Students use AI tools in learning about their topic and preparing an assignment, but all AI-generated materials included in the final submission must be clearly acknowledged. “ChatGPT or other AI tools may be used for study purposes, to learn about your topic, and to develop your assignment. However, you must include a clear declaration of all generative AI tools used (e.g. ChatGPT, DALL-E, Grammarly, voice-to-text), how and where you have used them (e.g. ‘ChatGPT was used to generate an initial structure for the Introduction and Conclusion. I then edited this to correct factual inaccuracies and to strengthen the connection between the general principles of systems-based medicine and my local healthcare context’).


Explain the difference between ‘contract cheating’ sites and artificial intelligence.

  • Contract cheating sites are blocked on the university network because their business model is based on asking students to commit academic misconduct. These sites buy and sell student work and answers to assessment.
  • Artificial intelligence does not seek to maliciously create or share student work or university intellectual property. As with a site like wikipedia, it collates information that may or may not be correct according to inputs. Wikipedia data is input by people, while data put into a tool like ChatGPT trains the algorithms to refine its data collection.
  • It is theuseof AI that determines whether or not an academic breach has occurred. It is a students’ responsibility to ensure that they engage with generative AI ethically and responsibly and adhere to the assessment conditions for each assessment task.


Help students to understand how generative AI works, and what the ethical considerations and limitations are.

  • AI is not a primary source of information, it is a language processing model. The information that AI generates is unreliable and must be reviewed critically for accuracy and appropriateness.
  • Tools such as ChatGPT are commercially oriented and use any data that is entered by users to train their algorithms. This data is not treated as confidential or secure (e.g. it is possible that the information students enter into ChatGPT could be reported to the University).
  • ChatGPT generates content from other content on the Internet. This means that generated content may constitute repurposed or stolen intellectual property.
  • AI technologies cannot process knowledge, think or feel in the same way as a human, and may not address cultural contexts and social nuances in their responses.


Engage in meaningful dialogue about learning and teaching and the implications of AI technologies.

  • Discuss these technologies with students, including their possibilities and limitations in order to promote responsible and acceptable use.
  • Content generated by artificial intelligence technologies is biased in a particular way. This bias comes about from the bias that is already present in its datasets as well as the way that it processes that data (it derives a kind of “average” from its dataset, which ignores diversity).
  • AI can be a useful studytool, provided that students engage with it critically and are mindful of the ethical considerations above.


Educate students about AI in the context of academic integrity, as well as more generally.

这就需要多提醒学生complete their academic integrity compulsory module. The literature shows that where students build relationships with their educators, it reduces motivations to breach academic integrity. Build relationships with students by teaching them about academic integrity in the context of a unit.

Some teaching points include:

  • Claiming authorship over work that is not their own, without acknowledgement, is a breach of academic integrity. Part of academic integrity is being clear about how student work has been produced and not misrepresenting where information and ideas have come from.
  • 在单元旨在提供eviden评估ce of learning, reassuring the University and the community that future graduates are competent in their roles as future professionals and citizens.
  • Academic integrity is about shared values as a University community and they apply to students and staff alike. These shared values form the basis for ethical interactions and the credibility of the degrees awarded by the University.

Resources to educate students