Polling tools - Supporting your students

Get students familiar with the tool

Students need to familiarise themselves with new polling tools so time must be set aside to assist students with the technology before it is used for assessment purposes. Ensure students bring a device that supports the technology to not exclude participants. Use the same educational technology throughout the teaching period to minimise the cognitive load of learning multiple systems.

Explain to students the why and how

Explain to students the purpose of the polling activity and how to measure success. Incorrect answers add depth to the discussion and an opportunity to correct misconceptions.

Use polling as an alternative form of communication

Polling may also be used as an alternative form of communication within a synchronous lesson. Students can ask questions and upvote questions that they want answered. A moderator can read the upvoted questions to the lecturer to answer during class discussions. Providing additional means to communicate empowers students who may be more reluctant to raise their hand and ask a question.

What resources and services are available to students

You can share these guides with your students in the first class, so students have time to register, create an account if needed, and participate in in-class polling.

PollEverywhere: The student’s guide to getting started with Poll Everywhere

A short guide for students on how to create a participant account, install the app and phone number certification.

FLUX participant guide

A short guide that provides details on creating a FLUX Participant Account, which gives students access to participate in polls, Q&A sessions and other activities organized by instructors.

FLUX Participating in Activities

A short guide that explains how to participate in activities organised by instructors such as polls, Q&A sessions and others.