










  • 批判性地分析气候变化、卫生公平和卫生保健部门以及地球健康概念之间的相互关系。

  • 阐述可持续医疗保健的基本原理和共同利益,结合一系列最终用户的观点。

  • 运用系统思维和行为科学的见解来理解和影响变化。

  • 解释脱碳路径、关键循环经济概念并评估实现净零碳医疗保健的有效策略。

  • 为卫生组织/单位制定切实可行、切合实际的可持续医疗保健计划。

  • 有效合作,影响可持续医疗保健的变革。



  • 行星健康和可持续保健的概念
  • 卫生不平等的社会和结构决定因素
  • 卫生部门如何加剧当前的环境和气候危机
  • 从系统角度和行为科学的观点来影响变化
  • 医疗脱碳和实现净零碳的途径
  • 循环经济概念及其在医疗保健中的应用
  • 应用于临床和非临床环境的能源、水、采购、运输和废物方面的可持续医疗实践的案例研究
  • 利用行为改变、利益相关者参与和共同设计方法进行有效协作,以影响可持续医疗保健的变化。













$2500 + GST(认可)
$2200 +商品及服务税(非认证)
  • 早鸟(2023年2月5日之前)和莫纳什大学现有教职员工和学生可享受10%的折扣。
  • 〇团体优惠联系我们获取更多信息。




Professor Tony Capon is Director of Monash Sustainable Development Institute and holds a Chair in Planetary Health in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University.  Tony has more than two decades of senior leadership and management experience in public health policy, research and education, and has consulted in many countries and for a wide variety of organisations.

Tony is an Advisory Board Member of the Global Health Alliance, a member of the Rockefeller Foundation–Lancet Commission on Planetary Health that published its report Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch in 2015, and the International Advisory Board for The Lancet Planetary Health.

A former director of the International Institute for Global Health at United Nations University (UNU-IIGH), Tony has held professorial appointments at the University of Sydney and Australian National University and is a Foundation Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

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Gitanjali Bedi, MA Corporate Environmental Sustainability Mgmt, GradCert SustEd, PGDip IntDev, BCom/BA
Gitanjali Bedi is a passionate senior lecturer and educational researcher with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University. Gitanjali brings over 20 years of experience working globally in sustainable development with international NGOs, United Nations, local government, business and academia. Her education and research interests include sustainable healthcare education, climate change adaptation, sustainability leadership, systems change, responsible business practice and workforce capability development. She brings extensive experience in designing and leading accredited programs and professional development.
Gitanjali is a trained Climate Reality Leader and is the recipient of Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (2019), and Australian Award for University Teaching (2021).
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Dr Emma-Leigh Synnott, BVSc, MBBS, FAFRM (RACP)

Emma is currently living and working on Noongar Boodja in Walyalup (otherwise known as Fremantle, WA). Emma is the Medical Advisor to the Sustainable Development Unit in the Western Australia Department of Health, and a Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation Medicine specialising in Spinal Cord injury, and the current WA Chair for Doctors for the Environment Australia.

Emma has previously trained in Veterinary Medicine and is currently completing a Master of Environment and Sustainability at Monash University. Committed to improving Planetary health, restoring right relations (between human, and with non-human and the Earth), and achieving Climate and Environmental Justice, Emma is interested in how healthcare can facilitate the whole-of-society transformation required to achieve a more sustainable and Just future for all.

","supervisionOpen":"false"},"profile2":{"portrait":"//www.partyada.com/__data/assets/image/0004/2900857/varieties/nav.tile.png","name":"Filia Garivaldis","title":"Course Facilitator","organisation":"Monash Sustainable Development Institute","description":"

Since joining BehaviourWorks Australia in 2019, Filia has led the development of the online micro-credential course “Applying Behavioural Science to Create Change”, nominated twice for a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Industry and Community Education Programs. She has also developed a number of online skill-development short courses for behaviour change, as part of a Toolbox Series, including systems thinking, and using behavioural insights to improve written communications. Filia has also led the development of the Monash Sustainable Development Institute’s Behaviour Change Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), endorsed by the SDG Academy, which has been delivered since August 2022.

Filia has over 20 years of international experience in academia, delivering and leading education in behavioural science and psychology. Her expertise, in particular, is in online education and educational research, and has published widely in this area in leading peer-review journals and books. Prior to returning to Monash University, Filia was a Senior Lecturer at Regent’s University London, where she developed an MSc in Occupational and Organisational Psychology, accredited by the British Psychological Society.

Finally, Filia’s PhD, obtained at Monash University, focused on self-regulation ability in the pursuit of personal goals, and the moderating effect of implicit emotion.

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