Monash University announces COVID-19 student compassionate and hardship package

Monash University today announced a $15 million Student Compassionate and Hardship package for students suffering financial hardship.

Eligible students can apply in two stages: 1) a $500 immediate emergency payment and 2) payment of up to $7000 after April 14.

This package will be funded by existing University resources and philanthropic support.

The University’s senior executive team is deeply committed to supporting Monash students and this initiative and some have already donated personally to the fund.

这种支持包age recognises how many students are part of the Monash community and the scale of the issue. Many students have lost their casual employment, have families experiencing job losses, and may also be far away from their loved ones.

Since the beginning of this global health crisis, Monash has been committed to protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our students. This package is an extension of this so we are able to support our students financially while they continue their studies.

At this time, Monash University acknowledges the Australian Government’s increased support for eligible students with increases to AbStudy and Austudy. As the affects of this COVID-19 health emergency grow we are also urging them to consider further support for students who have been hit by rapid closures of many areas of employment for themselves, or for their families.

The Monash Student Compassionate and Hardship package will be available to any eligible students, including undergraduate and postgraduate - both coursework and higher degree research - who have been adversely affected by COVID-19.