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通信方法和信息传递的性质对影响公众行为至关重要。COVID-19大流行对全球生活的各个方面造成了重大干扰,并引发了向公众传播COVID-19预防措施的多种卫生信息方式。本研究旨在确定:(1)人们获取COVID-19相关信息的主要途径在年龄组之间的差异;(2)年龄和信息来源是否与人们如何理解或解释“自我隔离”和“社会距离”这两个术语的政府信息的正确解释有关。2020年进行了一项在线调查。参与者年龄在18岁以上,按年龄分组。通过视觉比较不同年龄组之间COVID-19信息来源的差异。使用Logistic回归来确定年龄和每种COVID-19信息传播方式是否与对自我隔离或社会距离陈述的正确反应独立相关。共有3300名受访者,其中85%为女性;年龄分组:18-29岁(7.4%); 30–39 (10.6%); 40–49 (17.6%); 50–59 (22.9%); 60–69 (25.9%); 70–79 (13.9%); and 80+ (1.7%). People accessed public health messaging information from a wide variety of sources that changed as they aged (e.g., older people were more likely to be exposed to COVID-19 information via television news programs and less likely via social media platforms). Age was frequently associated with whether the message key terms were interpreted correctly or incorrectly, but in some cases, it promoted more correct responses whereas in others, fewer correct responses. There was no difference between being exposed to COVID-19 information via mainstream media, compared with social media, or compared with Government sources of information, in terms of whether COVID-19 messages were interpreted correctly. In order to improve future public health messaging, there is a need for multiple avenues of communication to meet the needs and preferences across and within age groups. Further investigation is warranted into the clarity of the content and method of delivery of public health messages, to ensure optimal understanding of public health messages by vulnerable populations and across the community.

原始语言 英语
货号 912188
页数 10
杂志 公共卫生前沿
体积 10
发布状态 发表,2022年7月13日


  • 年龄因素
  • 沟通
  • 理解
  • 消费者健康信息
  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎
  • 公共卫生

